Here is how Pure Costa Rican Coffee stands out from other brands.

First, we do not store or warehouse our green coffee. We have special relationships with our network of farmers to ensure we receive the freshest green coffee shortly after it's ready to be roasted. Receiving the green coffee in a timely manner results in a less traumatic transition to the roast. Unlike roasters in non-coffee producing countries our beans don't have to wait, travel, wait, change temperature etc. The list goes on and on as to the changes green coffee goes through before the roast during the shipment process.

As a result, we are able to extract and lock-in place, flavors that are otherwise lost in the shipping process.

Think of coffee like a bottle of wine. When your grapes are ready for juice extraction, it would be strange to have them wait for extended periods of time before extraction. When the grapes are ready, they are ready. Same thing with green coffee, when it is ready it is ready. Imagine making wine out of raisins. It's the same concept, why roast overly dehydrated green coffee? And when you do roast overly dehydrated green coffee, what are the results?

Unfortunately, it results in a lesser coffee which the average consumer has grown a custom to, dressed up in everything from sugary syrups to whipped cream and a cherry.

Pure Costa Rican Coffee aims to take back your cup and fill it with the freshest most pure coffee imaginable.